Home » News » Closure of the first 2022-2023 CESAR Teacher Training in Spanish
Closure of the first 2022-2023 CESAR Teacher Training in Spanish (See the news without search to see the news correctly)

The CESAR Team is happy to announce the 2022-2023 Teacher Workshops in Spanish, designed in collaboration with the Territorial Center of Innovation and Teacher Training for Madrid Oeste (CTIF-Madrid Oeste), the Centre of Training, Innovation and Educational Resources (CEFIRE) of the Comunidad Valenciana, the Arts and Science Museum of Valencia (CAC), the Institute of Astrophysics of the Canary Islands (IAC), the Institute of Astrophysics of Andalucía (IAA), as well as the National Commision of Space Activities in Argentina (CONAE) and the National Institute of Teacher Training (INFoD) of Argentina.

The calendar of the 2022-2023 CESAR Teacher Trainings consist of:

  • November, 14-17, 2022:  Astronomy and Space for a Sustainable Development
  • February, 6-9, 2023: Space Exploration. Our target: the Moon.
  • March, 27-30, 2023: Telescopes and other future infrastructures
  • May, 22-25, 2023: The limits of the Universe


The first teacher training, "Astronomy and Space for a Sustainable Development", was held during 12 hours during the afternoons of (14-17)th of November. During the highest peak of attendance we had up to 160 teachers from Spain and Argentina, teaching all kind of subjects for primary or secondary level or vocational training.

Figure 1: Poster of the Nov 22 CESAR Teacher Training 

The content of the Teacher Training included and introduction to ESA and its scientific programme as well as an introduction to the CESAR initiative and its educational activities and a dedicated session to those with schools, called "Space Science Experiences".


Figure 2: Introduction to ESA and its scientific missions as well as to the CESAR initiative by the CESAR coordinator, Sandra Benítez.


Together with expert talks there were "round tables" with scientist and educators as panellists about several topics like "Space as and educational resource + Quality in Education”“Equality, Inclusion and Diversity in STEM” and “Climate Change”, which were very positively accepted by the teachers.


Figure 3: Real example of how various teachers adapted a CESAR online Space Science Experience to their classes, as a close collaboration between the subjects of "Scientific Culture" and "TIC", in particular for the scientific case "Are we Martians?".


Figure 4: Snapshots of the round-about tables of "The Space as an educational resource+ Quality in Education" and "Equality, Inclusion and Diversity in STEM".


As a golden brooch, teachers could have an open session with the ex-ESA astronaut, Pedro Duque, who shown some of his techniques to catch the attention and trigger the curiosity among youngsters during his presentations.


Figure 5: Session of Pedro Duque during the CESAR Training Teacher (November 2022)


For those interested in more details about this training course please feel free to visit the teacher training materials as well as the post on our twitter (@esa_cesar_es).


